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Download the SFPA PARALEGAL MCLE LOG so you can keep track of your credit hours.
The San Francisco Paralegal Association also holds two annual events, the Annual Meeting and Paralegal Day, where paralegals can expect to fulfill up to eight (8) hours of MCLE inclusive of general law and ethics topics all in one year. This is the best way for a paralegal to comply with the MCLE requirements of California Business & Professions Code sections 6450, et al.
Every two years, commencing January 1, 2007, any person that is working as a paralegal shall be required to certify completion of 4 hours of mandatory continuing legal education in legal ethics and 4 hours of mandatory continuing legal education in either general law or in an area of specialized law. All continuing legal education courses shall meet the requirements of Section 6070. Certification of these continuing education requirements shall be made with the paralegal's supervising attorney. The paralegal shall be responsible for keeping a record of the paralegal's certifications.
The San Francisco Paralegal Association is a multiple activity provider of mandatory continuing legal education compliant with Title 3, Division 5, Chapter 1, Article 1 of the Rules of the California State Bar.