We offer many benefits to our members.
Here is a current list of the benefits members receive from the San Francisco Paralegal Association.
Get your required MCLEs here and at only $20 for members. Lots of opportunities, and a variety of topics to keep things fresh. Even better, our R.I.S.E. (Renew, Inspire, Self-Care, Empower) and Skills Academy programs will give you regular personal refreshers at no cost to members. Don’t forget Paralegal Day - our two day event with education all following a theme. If a new member lists you as a referral on their application, get your next MCLE free! Must be redeemed within twelve months.
We know that work-connections can be quite powerful, both professionally and personally. With that in mind, we have a fun Annual Conference in the fall, and great social events all year long!
Looking for a place to volunteer or to get some experience on the board? We welcome those looking to give a little back, and we’re eager for fresh new minds on the board of directors.
As a NALA Affiliate, our members receive 25% off their NALA Active membership fee.
Regional Job Listings
Our regional job listings help our members by giving them some idea of what is available on the market - even if they are not looking for themselves.
Sustaining Members
Our Sustaining Members receive extra benefits, including listings on our website - both on the front page (rotating) and with their logo on an interior page devoted to our sustaining members.
And Lots More!
We’re always on the prowl for additional gatherings and education that our members may like through our other affiliated organizations and networks. We enjoy sharing those opportunities, which are sometimes free, with our members.