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  • 04/02/2018 6:36 AM | Deleted user

    The Bar Association of San Francisco


    The Intellectual Property and Internet Law Section of the Barristers Club presents:


    Hot Topics in Copyright Law


    April 25, 2018: 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm

    MCLE Credits - 1 H, This is a brown bag luncheon



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    Professor Brian L. Frye
    University of Kentucky College of Law

    Jonathan Francis
    Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP


    Professor Jessica Fajfar
    USF School of Law

    Sean DeBruine
    Intellectual Property Practitioner/Litigator


    Rebecca Felsenthal
    Sideman & Bancroft, LLP

    Copyright experts from academia and private practice will share their perspectives on Hot Topics in copyright law, focusing on the way that technology is changing copyrights in photography, music, and film. Topics will include the Central District of California’s decision in Redbox Automated Retail, LLC v. Buena Vista Home Entertainment, Inc., the SDNY’s recent decision in Goldman v. Breitbart, and new proposals under the Music Monetization Act.




    • New developments in copyright law including recent decisions on:
    • Copyright protection
    • Copyright infringement
    • Other issues related to copyright before the courts

    Section Chairs: Hannah Yang & Jacek Wnuk, Polsinelli LLP


    Printable Flyer ( PDF)




    BASF Conference Center
    301 Battery Street
    3rd Floor
    San Francisco, CA 94111






    MCLE Registration 11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
    Program 12:00-1:15 p.m.




    BASF Student Member Complimentary
    Section Member $30.00
    BASF Member $40.00
    Government $40.00
    Nonprofit $40.00
    Non-Member $55.00

    Note: All prices increase by $10.00 on the day of the program.


    Event Code: B181410


    Questions about our seminars and the registration process?



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    Fax or Mail your registration: Registration Form ( PDF)



  • 04/02/2018 6:34 AM | Deleted user

    The Bar Association of San Francisco


    The Commercial Law and Bankruptcy Section presents:


    Skipping Priorities in the Post-Jevic World


    April 23, 2018: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

    MCLE Credits - 1 H, Lunch will be provided.



    Register for this Event





    Judge Hannah Blumenstiel
    U.S. Bankruptcy Court


    Robert Trodella
    Trodella & Lapping LLP

    Tobias Keller
    Keller & Benvenutti LLP

    Richard Lapping
    Trodella & Lapping LLP


    • Why the Supreme Court’s widely anticipated decision in Jevic lost much of the punch many had feared
    • An overview of “gifting” and how it can still be used as a deal tool to incentivize junior class cooperation
    • Teasing broad rules from the majority’s narrow decision to support or deny first-day orders, 363 sales, settlement approvals, and confirmation
    • Speculating where the Supreme Court will land— this time with Justice Gorsuch—should it revisit the issue as first presented in Jevic



    Section Chair: Lisa Lenherr, Wendel, Rosen, Black & Dean LLP




    Printable Flyer ( PDF)





    Park Central Hotel
    50 Third Street
    San Francisco, CA 94103




    MCLE Registration: 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

    Lunch/Program: 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.




    BASF Student Member $75.00
    Section Member $75.00
    BASF Member $85.00
    Government $85.00
    Nonprofit $85.00




    Note: All prices increase by $10.00 on the day of the program


    Event Code: G181904


    Questions about our seminars and the registration process?



    Register for this Event



    Fax or Mail your registration: Registration Form ( PDF)



  • 04/01/2018 7:55 AM | Deleted user

    The Bar Association of San Francisco


    The Real Property Section presents:


    Tips and Traps When Negotiating & Drafting Commercial Leases


    April 18, 2018: 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm

    MCLE Credits - 1 H, Lunch will be provided.



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     Paul Utrecht
    Utrecht & Lenvin, LLP

    Ann Montilla
    Vice President, JLL

    Tom Morell
    Shartsis Friese LLP


    Alex Weyand
    Weyand Law Firm, P.C.


    A panel of experienced real estate attorneys join an experienced leasing broker to discuss key issues to consider and address when negotiating, reviewing and drafting commercial leases in San Francisco.

    • What to watch out for in Full Service, IG and NNN leases
    • Extension Option and Rent Adjustment structures
    • Deposit Provisions - Cash, Letter of Credit or Both?
    • Assignment and Subleasing Do’s & Don’t
    • Operating Expense and CAM Pass Thru considerations
    • Use Clause Limits (or lack thereof)
    • Special Termination Rights to address local and Federal laws



    Section Chair: Tiffany R. Norman, TRN Law Associates



    Printable Flyer ( PDF)





    BASF Conference Center
    301 Battery Street
    3rd Floor
    San Francisco, CA 94111






    MCLE Registration: 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
    Lunch/Program: 12:00 - 1:15 p.m.




    BASF Student Member $40.00
    Section Member $50.00
    BASF Member $60.00
    Government $60.00
    Nonprofit $60.00
    Non-Member $75.00

    Note: All prices increase by $10.00 on the day of the program.


    Event Code: G181705


    Questions about our seminars and the registration process?



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    Fax or Mail your registration: Registration Form ( PDF)



  • 04/01/2018 7:53 AM | Deleted user

    The Bar Association of San Francisco


    The Labor and Employment Law Section presents:


    Advising California Clients on Restrictive Covenants


    April 18, 2018: 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm

    MCLE Credits - 1 H, This is a brown bag luncheon.



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    John F. Hyland
    Rukin Hyland LLP

    In an effort to protect their intellectual property and confidential information, and their customer and employee relationships, and to limit competitive injury from former employees, companies nationwide require employees to sign a variety of restrictive covenants that govern their employment and continue in effect after the employment relationships ends. Whether working with employers or individuals, advising clients in California on restrictive covenants requires an understanding of all applicable laws - including California law, federal law, and the law of other states - the challenges and limitations of these agreements, the context in which issues arise, and the options and strategies for resolution. This program will provide an introduction and overview of each of these topics and will focus on providing clients practical advice.


    • California Business & Professions Code § 16600: Understanding its reach, its limits, and its effects
    • Non-solicit agreements: What California does and does not allow
    • Confidential & Proprietary Information Agreements: Balancing a company’s interest in broad and all-inclusive protection against the limits imposed by law, the realities of business, and principles of contract
    • Choice of Law and Venue Provisions: Avoiding California law and California courts

    Section Chair: Ted Borromeo, McKesson Corporation


    Printable Flyer ( PDF)





    BASF Conference Center
    301 Battery Street
    3rd Floor
    San Francisco, CA 94111







    MCLE Registration: 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
    Program: 12:00 - 1:15 p.m.




    BASF Student Member Complimentary
    Section Member $30.00
    BASF Member $40.00
    Government $40.00
    Nonprofit $40.00
    Non-Member $55.00

    Note: All prices increase by $10.00 on the day of the program.


    Event Code: G180302


    Questions about our seminars and the registration process?



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    Fax or Mail your registration: Registration Form ( PDF)



  • 04/01/2018 12:09 AM | Deleted user

    The Bar Association of San Francisco


    The Arbitration Section presents:


    Changing the World for Animals - 2018 Animal Law Review


    April 12, 2018: 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm

    MCLE Credits - 1 H, This is a brown bag luncheon.



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    Bruce Wagman
    Partner, Schiff Hardin LLP


    • How California is leading the charge to restrict suffering of puppies for sale
    • The national battle over farm animal welfare - cage free vs. cruelty free
    • What will happen to America’s horses - food for foreigners, or protection at home?
    • Pet custody and companion animal bite litigation

    Section Chair: John S. Worden, Schiff Hardin LLP



    Printable Flyer ( PDF)





    BASF Conference Center
    301 Battery Street
    3rd Floor
    San Francisco, CA 94111







    MCLE Registration: 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
    Program: 12:00 - 1:15 p.m.





    BASF Student Member Complimentary
    Section Member $30.00
    BASF Member $40.00
    Government $40.00
    Nonprofit $40.00
    Non-Member $55.00

    Note: All prices increase by $10.00 on the day of the program.


    Event Code: G184103


    Questions about our seminars and the registration process?



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    Fax or Mail your registration: Registration Form ( PDF)



  • 04/01/2018 12:07 AM | Deleted user

    The Bar Association of San Francisco


    The Securities Litigation Section, co-sponsored with the Barristers Intellectual Property Section present:


    Legal Issues with Blockchain Token Transactions


    April 11, 2018: 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm

    MCLE Credits - 1 H, Food sponsored by Polsinelli.



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    Steven Mickelsen
    General Counsel

    John Orta
    Chief People Officer
    General Counsel at Metromile

    Barrington Dyer


    Steve Buchholz
    Assistant Regional Director, Division of Enforcement
    Cyber Unit and Market Abuse Unit
    U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, San Francisco Regional Office


    Alex Bortolussi
    Richard, Thorson, Graves & Royer, LLP


    • Raising Funds in the Crypto Market: Initial Coin Offerings
    • Secondary Market Transactions
    • Self-Regulatory Organizations
    • IP Issues with Open Source Blockchain Platforms
    • Privacy Issues with Storing Information on Public Blockchains


    Section Chair: Steve Kaufhold, Kaufhold Gaskin LLP




    Printable Flyer ( PDF)




    Three Embarcadero
    Suite #2400
    San Francisco, CA 94111



    MCLE Registration: 5:30 - 6:00 p.m.
    Program: 6:00 - 7:15 p.m.




    BASF Student Member Complimentary
    Section Member $30.00
    BASF Member $40.00
    Government $40.00
    Nonprofit $40.00
    Non-Member $55.00

    Note: All prices increase by $10.00 on the day of the program.


    Event Code: G183902


    Questions about our seminars and the registration process?



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    Fax or Mail your registration: Registration Form ( PDF)



  • 04/01/2018 12:05 AM | Deleted user

    The Bar Association of San Francisco


    The Environmental Law Section presents:

    Cannabis Cultivation in California: What to Know


    April 11, 2018: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

    MCLE Credits - 1.5 H, This is a brown bag luncheon.



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    Cannabis Cultivation in California: What to Know about the Current Environmental Framework



    Erin Ragazzi
    Assistant Deputy Director, Division of Water Rights, State Water Resources Control Board

    Yvonne West
    Office of Enforcement, State Water Resources Control Board

    Robert “Buzz” Hines
    Farella Braun + Martel

    Hollie Hall, PhD
    Soil & Water Scientist, Compliant Farms Certified


    Sarah Bell
    Farella Braun + Martel

    This program will feature panelists who will offer information and experience regarding historic environmental impacts from cannabis cultivation (particularly to water quality and water supplies), the current status of California’s efforts to create a legal and regulatory framework to manage environmental impacts from cannabis cultivation, State and Regional Water Board involvement and enforcement, and real-world examples of how cultivators (and manufacturers, distributors, and retailers) might be addressing the new regulations.


    • Historic environmental impacts from cannabis cultivation
    • Current legal landscape
    • Responsibilities of the State and Regional Water Boards
    • Enforcement and regulation
    • On the ground - how cultivators are responding
    • Beyond cultivation - environmental issues in manufacturing, distribution and retail

    Printable Flyer ( PDF)





    BASF Conference Center
    301 Battery Street
    3rd Floor
    San Francisco, CA 94111





    MCLE Registration: 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
    Program: 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.





    Government $40.00
    Nonprofit $40.00
    Section Member $40.00
    BASF Member $50.00
    Non-Member $65.00

    Note: All prices increase by $10.00 on the day of the program.



    Event Code: G182904



    Questions about our seminars and the registration process?



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    Fax or Mail your registration: Registration Form ( PDF)



  • 04/01/2018 12:03 AM | Deleted user

    Marin County Bar Association


    Members Luncheon 


    District Attorney Candidates Forum



    A.J. Brady
    Lori Frugoli
    Anna Pletcher

    District Attorney Candidates Forum: 2018 Marin County District Attorney Election


    An opportunity to learn about the candidates running for Marin County District Attorney


    Marin County District Attorney Edward Berberian will not seek reelection in 2018, setting up a race for district attorney. Coined the “hottest Marin race” by Dick Spotswood with the Marin IJ, A.J. Brady, Lori Frugoli, and Anna Pletcher are running for the office. Hear directly from the candidates about why they are qualified and what each will bring to the position.


    Buffet lunch included with registration




    Kiersten Ross | Email
    Mee Mee Wong | Email





    Member Registration



    Non-member Registration



    Registration ends Apr 23, 2018

    Early Bird Members: $45
    Early Bird Non-Members: $55

    Members: $50
    Non-Members: $60


    Early bird pricing ends 4/1/18. Refunds not available after 4/11/18.



    Date and Location


    Wednesday | April 25, 2018



    Four Points Sheraton
    1010 Northgate Dr
    San Rafael, CA 94903



  • 03/31/2018 4:46 AM | Deleted user

    The Sonoma County Bar Association and the Family Law Section




    Date: Friday, April 20, 2018


    Time: Check-In & Reception with No-Host Bar 5:00 pm; Dinner & Program 6:00 pm


    Place: Santa Rosa Golf & Country Club, 333 Country Club Dr, Santa Rosa


    Registration Fee:$85 per Person, Please RSVP by April 12, 2018




    Click Here to Download Registration Flyer


  • 03/31/2018 4:44 AM | Deleted user

    Contra Costa County Bar Association and The League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley are sponsoring:

    Candidates Forum: Contra Costa County District Attorney's Race

    Tuesday, April 24, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm



    RSVP Today



    Please join the Contra Costa County Bar Association and The League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley as they host a forum for the candidates running for the office of the Contra Costa County District Attorney. All candidates running for this office have been invited to attend.


    Gail Murray, a long-time member of the League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley, a former Walnut Creek mayor and former BART director has been selected as the moderator for this free public event. 


    The format will include brief statements by the candidates and set questions from the moderator as well as the opportunity for the public to ask questions of the candidates. All questions will be screened for appropriateness.


    The event is FREE and open to the public. Invite your friends and colleagues.

    Please RSVP above.



    Read more about this event.





    Lesher Center for the Arts
    Margaret Lesher Theatre
    1601 Civic Drive
    Walnut Creek CA 94596

@2024 San Francisco Paralegal Association



San Francisco Paralegal Association

1 Sansome Street, Suite 3500

San Francisco, CA  94104

(415) 946-8935