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28th Annual Golden State Antitrust, UCL and Privacy Law Institute & Antitrust Lawyer of the Year Reception and Dinner Honoring Bruce L. Simon

10/28/2018 5:10 AM | Deleted user

California Lawyers Association 



28th Annual Golden State Antitrust, UCL and Privacy Law Institute & Antitrust Lawyer of the Year Reception and Dinner Honoring Bruce L. Simon


Golden State Institute Cover



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Thursday, November 8, 2018


The Julia Morgan Ballroom
Merchant Exchange Bldg.
15th Floor
465 California Street
San Francisco, CA



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2018 Antitrust Lawyer of the Year—Bruce L. Simon

The Antitrust, UCL and Privacy Section of the California Lawyers Association is pleased to honor Bruce L. Simon as the 2018 Antitrust Lawyer of the Year.



Bruce Simon



The Antitrust, UCL & Privacy Section of the California Lawyers Association is pleased to honor Bruce L. Simon of Pearson, Simon & Warshaw, LLP as the 2018 Antitrust Lawyer of the Year. The Award will be presented at the dinner and ceremony following the 2018 Golden State Institute, beginning at 7:00 p.m.

Bruce is one of the nation’s leading antitrust lawyers. He has been appointed lead counsel for plaintiffs in many antitrust cases with national and global impact, has taken antitrust cases to verdict, and has secured significant settlements for businesses and consumers.


One of his particularly notable cases is In Re: Credit Default Swaps Antitrust Litigation, a case alleging a conspiracy among the world’s largest banks to maintain opacity of the credit default swaps market as a means of maintaining supra-competitive prices of bid/ask spreads. As Co-Lead Counsel, Bruce was instrumental in achieving a landmark settlement amounting to $1.86 billion. It is one of the largest civil antitrust settlements in history.


He was also one of the lead trial attorneys in the In Re: TFT-LCD Flat Panel Antitrust Litigation. In recent times, this is one of a handful of antitrust class actions that has gone to a jury verdict in favor of the plaintiffs. The case was tried right here in the N.D. Cal, and resulted in a verdict of $87 million before trebling. Total settlements in the case amounted to $473 million.


Bruce recently was appointed co-lead counsel in In Re: German Automotive Manufacturers Antitrust Litigation. He represents indirect purchasers who allege collusion among the largest German car companies to stifle innovation, restrict supply and fix prices for their vehicles.


Bruce’s achievements are not limited to the courtroom. He is the former Chair of this Section and remains an advisor and active contributor. After Co-Chairing an ABA task force to increase participation of the plaintiffs’ bar in the Antitrust Section, and leading the Global Private Litigation Committee, Bruce is now on the Council.


Bruce is also a past Chair of the Board of Directors of his alma mater, U.C. Hastings College of the Law, and served on the Board for 12 years.


@2024 San Francisco Paralegal Association



San Francisco Paralegal Association

1 Sansome Street, Suite 3500

San Francisco, CA  94104

(415) 946-8935