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MCLE - Liens : Achieving Reductions from Self-funded ERISA Plans in Smaller Cases; CCSF Lien Ordinance

09/10/2018 4:30 AM | Deleted user

San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association


Liens : Achieving Reductions from Self-funded ERISA Plans in Smaller Cases; CCSF Lien Ordinance


 Annual master session on lien resolution – hear a panel of lien experts discuss how recent case law and regulatory changes affect plaintiff’s cases


-  Dealing with San Francisco Health & Safety Code § 124/124.1


-   Lien and Reimbursement Primer/Refresher/ Spotter/Planner


-   Small Case Toolbox for Self-Funded ERISA Plans


-   Medicare set asides updates







Scott Sumner (Chair) handles plaintiff’s catastrophic personal injury cases. He is a sought-after lecturer on the topics of trial practice, medical reimbursement claims, and the collateral source rule.


Andrew McDevitt (Chair) is a trial attorney at Walkup, Melodia, Kelly & Schoenberger. He has successfully tried and resolved seven and eight figure plaintiff product liability, wrongful death, trucking defect, premises liability, and civil rights cases. 


Amanda Greenburg is the Director of Medicare Compliance at Archer Systems which provides claims administration and litigation support services to firms nationwide.  She specializes in the evolving area of Medicare Set-Asides. 


John J. Rice is a partner with the San Diego Firm of LaFave & Rice, practicing general civil litigation with an emphasis on serious injury cases as well as real estate and business litigation matters. He was named the Consumer Advocate of the Year by the Consumer Attorneys of San Diego.


Dan Wilcoxen is the senior partner of Wilcoxen Callaham, LLP, handling catastrophic personal injury, product liability and medical malpractice cases.  He teaches how to deal with medical insurers, Medi-Cal, Medicare and ERISA liens.  He successfully handled an ERISA lien case before the U.S. Supreme Court, 3 lien cases before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeal, and 3 lien cases before the Third District Court of Appeal. 


Please note:

  • Registration begins at 5:00pm
  • Dinner will be served


Click here to download the PDF Registration Form and pay by mail.


Mail completed form and check to:

311 California Street, Suite 620
San Francisco, CA 94104






Westin St. Francis335 Powell St, San Francisco, CA 94102




Archer: Intelligent Settlement Solutions

Mechanics Bank

Lesti Structured Settlements, Inc

goCloud Office



Cancellation Policy


No refunds will be made for cancellations, however, substitutes may attend in place for a registrant. Non-members substituting for members must pay difference in price.







Mon, September 17, 2018
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM PT


Event Rates

$210.00 Members of SFTLA
$175.00 Gold Member
$225.00 Non-Members
$155.00 New Bar Admittees /Law Office Support/Law Students/Paralegals





Rachelle Carrier



@2024 San Francisco Paralegal Association



San Francisco Paralegal Association

1 Sansome Street, Suite 3500

San Francisco, CA  94104

(415) 946-8935