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MCLE - Insurance Issues Arising from the Opioid Crisis

08/26/2018 11:04 PM | Deleted user

Bar Association Of San Francisco 


The Insurance Practice Section of the Barristers Club presents:


Insurance Issues Arising from the Opioid Crisis


September 6, 2018: 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm

MCLE Credits - 1 H, Lunch will be provided



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America’s 21st Century Epidemic: Insurance Issues Arising from the Opioid Crisis



Jodi S. Green
Nicolaides Fink Thorpe Michaelides Sullivan LLP


The presentation will first address the history leading up to the opioid epidemic and the background of the current underlying litigation arising from the opioid epidemic. The majority of underlying lawsuits include hundreds of cases filed by local and state governments, labor unions, and hospitals, many of which have been recently consolidated into an MDL proceeding. These lawsuits seek reimbursement of increased costs of public services, prescription costs, and other associated damages the plaintiffs have incurred due to addiction and overdose of citizens. The presentation will identify the distinctions in the underlying lawsuits, which will provide a basis to categorize the lawsuits as potentially covered, or not covered, for coverage purposes. Next, the presentation will walk through the coverage issues raised by these lawsuits, including whether the lawsuits seek damages for “bodily injury” caused by an “occurrence”; whether the lawsuits seek “damages”; the application of various exclusions, including intentional acts exclusions, products exclusions, drug and pharmaceutical exclusions, and known loss; and the application of related claim, batch, or integrated occurrence language.

• Criminal Fines and Prosecutions
• Types of Civil Lawsuits
• Insurance Coverage Issues
• Background of the Opioid Crisis
• Timeline of the Epidemic


Section Chairs: Seth Manfredi, Nicolaides Fink Thorpe Michaelides Sullivan LLP & Morgan Wallace, Lyft, Inc.



Printable Flyer ( PDF)




BASF Conference Center
301 Battery Street
3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111





MCLE Registration: 11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Lunch/Program: 12:00-1:15 p.m.




BASF Student Member $35.00
Section Member $45.00
BASF Member $55.00
Government $55.00
Nonprofit $55.00
Non-Member $70.00

Note: All prices increase by $10.00 on the day of the program.


Event Code: B181401


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Fax or Mail your registration: Registration Form ( PDF)



@2024 San Francisco Paralegal Association



San Francisco Paralegal Association

1 Sansome Street, Suite 3500

San Francisco, CA  94104

(415) 946-8935