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MCLE - Everything You Need To Know About ADA Website Accessibility Compliance and Litigation - Webinar

03/03/2018 5:31 AM | Deleted user

California Lawyers Association 


Intellectual Property Law Section, Technology, Internet & Privacy Interest Group:


Everything You Need To Know About ADA Website Accessibility Compliance and Litigation - Webinar



Credit(s): 1 Participatory MCLE Credits
Course Number: IP_3-7-18
Original Program Date: March 7, 2018
Duration: 1 hour
Access: Available for 3 months after purchase
Date: March 7, 2018
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (Pacific)





In. 2003, the Department of Justice determined that “Title III reaches the web sites of entities that provide goods or services that fall within the 12 categories of ‘public accommodations’ as defined by the statute and regulations.” However, the DoJ has not issued regulations explaining what businesses have to do to comply. This has lead to a rash of litigation around the country. This webinar will discuss the history of ADA website accessibility and what companies need to do to comply.





Kathy Wahlbin

Kathy Wahlbin has been very active in the web accessibility community since the 2001 when Section 508 was amended to cover information web technology. As awareness, methods, and requirements have evolved, she has gained considerable experience in accessibility, usability, software applications, and website development. 
As an invited expert of the W3C WCAG 2.0 Working Group, W3C Mobile Accessibility Task Force and the WCAG 2.0 Evaluation Methodology Task Force, she is knowledgeable in the trends and directions in accessibility, and she contributes to the development of new guidelines, techniques and methodologies. She is passionate about creating a world where online communications and technology are simple and universally accessible to all people regardless of ability.  
Kathy led the Interactive Accessibility team that won the prestigious Interactive Media Award: “Best in Class” Award. The Interactive Media Awards™ recognize the highest standards of excellence in website design and development and honor individuals and organizations for their outstanding achievement.
As a recognized accessibility expert, Kathy has been a frequent speaker at conferences educating people on the importance of accessibility and has provided accessibility training for many corporations, government agencies, and universities. 


Heather Antoine, Moderator

Heather is an Internet and Intellectual Property lawyer and litigator.  Antoine Law Group typically works with e-commerce, SaaS, app, and internet companies. ALG registers trademarks and maintains IP portfolios as well as protects businesses involved in trademark/copyright, social media, domain name, FTC, and rights of publicity litigation. ALG also works with companies to ensure their privacy and cybersecurity practices comply with the law.  ALG performs company audits so startups can pinpoint weaknesses and avoid getting sued.
Heather regularly speaks about Internet, tech, privacy, and IP law and currently serves as Secretary of the Executive Committee for the IP Section of the California Lawyers Association.





  All - $55.00



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