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MCLE - Enforcement Trends under the New Administration

11/09/2017 4:31 PM | Deleted user

Witkin Law Library


1 Hour of Participatory MCLE Credit, Part 2 What's New? Legislative and Enforcement Updates for Criminal Defense Attorneys Representing Immigrants in Criminal Proceedings



When: Thursday, November 16, 2017 from noon to 1:00 pm
Where: Alameda County Law Library
125 Twelfth Street
Conference Room 8
Oakland, CA , 94607 , Alameda County
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  • Enforcement Trends under the New Administration
  • Legislative Updates: Trust Act, Truth Act
  • Review of New Penal Code Statutes Impacting Immigrants in the Criminal Justice System
  • Coordinating Strategies with Immigration Counsel

  • Speaker:

    Raha Jorjani is an immigration defense attorney for the Office of the Alameda County Public Defender and is directing California's first public defender immigration representation project. This project recently received the 2016 "Program of the Year" award from the California Public Defender's Association(CDPA. From 2007 until 2014, Raha served as a Clinical Professor at the UC Davis School of Law in the immigration law clinic. In 2015, she taught the first course offered at the UC Berkeley School of Law dedicated to "Crimmigration," the study of the intersection between immigration and criminal law. Since 2005, Ms. Jorjani has provided pro bono representation and legal assistance to hundreds of immigrants, most of them detained, before the immigration courts, BIA, U.S. District Court, U.S. Court of Appeals, and California state courts. Ms. Jorjani litigated the Israel O. case before the California Court of Appeal for the First District, which resulted in the first published opinion in California to uphold the availability of one-parent claims to Special Immigrant Juvenile Status for kids in juvenile delinquency proceedings. Ms. Jorjani regularly conducts local and national trainings for immigration attorneys, criminal defense attorneys, and state court judges, on the immigration consequences of criminal convictions. In 2016, Ms. Jorjani was selected as one of eightmfellows for the Rosenberg Foundation's Leading Edge Fellowship.
Contact: Register at Eventbrite or call 510-272-6483 or ask for a registration form at the reference desk.
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San Francisco Paralegal Association

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San Francisco, CA  94104

(415) 946-8935