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SFPA is a Proud Affiliate Member of NALA

August 20 - Webinar: Inside Look at Attorney Fee Arbitrations (1 Ethics MCLE)

08/10/2015 10:02 PM | Deleted user
Webinar: Inside Look at Attorney Fee Arbitrations

Thursday, August 20, 2015, 12:00 noon- 1:30 p.m.

This program offers 1.5 hours participatory MCLE credit; 1 hour legal specialization credit in Legal Ethics. You must register in advance in order to participate.

An overview of the county mandatory fee arbitration/mediation programs and what the arbitrators/mediators are looking for from an experienced fee arbitrator and mediator with the San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara and Riverside county bar associations. Learn best practices to ensure that you are awarded all of your fees and traps that most lawyers fall into. Learn about the common ethical issues that arise in fee disputes and how to respond to them

Speaker: Shirish Gupta is a mediator with JAMS. He volunteers as a fee arbitrator and mediator with the San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara and Riverside county bar associations, where he has resolved scores of fee disputes. He has served on fee disputes ranging from $500 to $1.5M.

Shirish is the past chair of the State Bar Solo & Small Firm Section and the incoming co-Chair of the State Bar Council of Sections. Shirish is an Adjunct Professor at UC Hastings College of Law's Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution, where he teaches Negotiation. He's a 6-time Super Lawyer in ADR, The Recorder's Best Independent Mediator, a AAA Higginbotham Fellow, a SABANA Cornerstone award and NAPABA Best Under 40 award winner and an AYSO Coach of the Year.

Webinars offer participatory credit and can be heard after their live air date - at your convenience.  

@2024 San Francisco Paralegal Association



San Francisco Paralegal Association

1 Sansome Street, Suite 3500

San Francisco, CA  94104

(415) 946-8935