Happy New Year's Eve!
I hope that you all had a wonderful Holiday and are looking forward to a fun and eventful New Year's Eve (however you may celebrate it!)!
This year we did many things that I hope you all were able to benefit from. I am so glad to have shared these events with all of you:
Skills Academy| Virtual Cinco De Mayo Taco Party| Paralegal Day| SFPA 50th Anniversary Cruise| Digital Legal Tech Summit| SFPA Annual Holiday Party
just to name a few. 2022 was full of surprises and new friendships.
In the coming year, I implore the membership to get more involved with SFPA and share your thoughts on what you want to see in 2023. We are hoping there will be more collaborations with Women in eDiscovery - San Francisco, Orange County Paralegal Association, Los Angeles Paralegal Association, and San Diego Paralegal Association.
There are board seats that are available and committees to join. If you are interested, please email info@sfpa.com and join us at our first board meeting on January 4, 2023 at 6:00 pm. SFPA Board meetings are held via zoom, just email for the link.
In person activities are a plan for SFPA in 2023. The 50th anniversary cruise was a hit and we are looking to do something like that again in 2023 to thank our sustaining members and the membership. We hope you will consider joining us!
Amy McGuigan will be heading the At Issue Newsletter together with Michael Schiraldi this year. We are looking for articles, so if you want to be published, here's a way to start. Please email info@sfpa.com with your article that you want published. If you are interested in helping Amy and Michael with the Newsletter, email us!
I would love to spotlight any of our members in accomplishments that he or she has gained. If you attended the Holiday Party, we recognized Amy McGuigan's accomplishment for obtaining her CP credential from NALA. She has recently obtained her ACP/CAS in Discovery. BRAVA!! Just send your accomplishment (or someone you want to recognize) via email at info@sfpa.com and we will put that announcement out in our Making Moves Monday and on our social media! Let's celebrate YOU!
2023 will be a year of opportunity. Challenge yourself to do better at what you feel needs work. This year, I want to focus on Branding. Your Brand and what that means to you. How do you want to present yourself and how can SFPA help you accomplish this!
Stay tuned for skills academy topics (provide some if you have ideas) and opportunities to study for your credential (if you are not NALA certified paralegal).
As I sit here in my home office, I am reflecting on what SFPA has done all year. I recently lost a close member of my family before the holiday, but wanted to share something she said to me when I moved back to California in 2019. She said, "Think of life as a canvas. Paint what you want others to see."
Be well and Happy New Year!
Katie Oliver, CP