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SFPA is a Proud Affiliate Member of NALA

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

03/17/2022 1:00 AM | Anonymous


It's been a pretty eventful first quarter of 2022!!

Some things that have happened:

1. The listserv (Groupvine) is active and thriving! If you haven't signed up, please do! It is free and pretty active!

2. Our committees are active and you are all encouraged to join a committee that you are passionate about.

3. The Skills Academy Sessions are well underway! I am looking forward to Session 3 which is about "Tackling Conflict in the Workplace". Tammy Dunnett is the speaker for this and she has a wealth of knowledge on this topic! If you haven't signed up for this session, definitely do so!

4. Victor Aguilar from US Legal is hosting Happy Hour at Make Westing in Oakland on March 17, 2022 from 6pm-8pm. If you are interested in attending, please sign up on the website!

5. On March 24, our virtual happy hour is on deck with returning host Brian Klunk of Epiq! Trivia will be in full effect! Join us for venting, laughter and prizes!

6. On March 31, 2022, SFPA, together with LAPA, OCPA and SDPA, are presenting an Elimination of Bias CLE virtually from 6pm-7pm. The topic "A Transgender Perspective" with Jessie McGrath. 

7. On April 5, Stefano Molea will be presenting an Ethics CLE "Ethical Considerations in Criminal Law Practice" virtually from 12pm-1pm. Signup on the website!

8. The next board meeting is on April 6, 2022 at 6pm via zoom. Please email if you would like to attend. The board meetings are open to the membership!

We also have a few socials coming up: Paralegal Day in May and our 50th Anniversary celebration in July! Also, there is a Volunteer Fair brewing. Stay tuned for more details! 

SFPA is on TIKTOK! Follow us @SFPATok

I want to thank you all, the membership, sustaining members and colleagues across many platforms. We will continue to provide riveting programs and have those "not so easy" panel discussions. I hope you will continue with us!

Enjoy your St. Patrick's Day festivities. Please tag us in photos, so we can see how you are celebrating! #sfparalegal


Katie Oliver, CP

2022 SFPA Board President 

@2024 San Francisco Paralegal Association



San Francisco Paralegal Association

1 Sansome Street, Suite 3500

San Francisco, CA  94104

(415) 946-8935