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SFPA is a Proud Affiliate Member of NALA
CSUEB Paralegal Studies Program (CSUEB)
& the San Francisco Paralegal Association proudly present
CaseMap® Training
In these hands-on training classes, participants will be able to expand their knowledge and learn the skills necessary to effectively manage all of their discovery documents and cases.
What is CaseMap®?
CaseMap® is a case analysis software that organizes the key issues, facts, documents, and witnesses of each case all in one database to improve case assessment and team collaboration.
Pricing: $125 for SFPA Members/CSUEB students/graduates; $150 for non-members
CaseMap®Certified Administrator (w/Certification); MCLE Credit – 8 hours
Thursday, April 23, 2015
8:30 – 5:00 pm
(lunch break 12:30-1:15)
All Day Session (8 hours)
The trainings will be held at:
California State University, East Bay, Oakland Center
1000 Broadway, Oakland CA 94607, (BART-12th Street Oakland/City Center)
To maximize the benefits of the hands-on training, each class is limited to 20 participants per session. Attorneys, paralegals and students are encouraged to enroll. This event is open to everyone with an interest in case management. You do not need to be an attorney, paralegal or a student to attend. No refund will be given after 10 days prior to each event.
Register at www.SFPA.com/Calendar
Register ASAP, seating is limited, and spaces will fill quickly.
We look forward to seeing you at the event!
@2024 San Francisco Paralegal Association
San Francisco Paralegal Association
1 Sansome Street, Suite 3500
San Francisco, CA 94104
(415) 946-8935